
Universal frostbite extractor
Universal frostbite extractor

universal frostbite extractor

Each superbundle contains bundles and each bundle, in turn, contains the following file types: To eleborate on Frostbite asset structure, all data is contained inside superbundles (SB files).

  • ebxtoasset - runs through EBX files and uses known EBX types to extract assets from chunks, the resulting file takes the EBX name currently, only sounds and movies are supported.
  • ebxtotext - converts EBX files to plain text TXT useful if you want to view the game's scripts, etc.
  • dumper - adjust the paths at the start and run it to dump all the contents of superbundles all the other scripts are meant to be used with the resulting dump.
  • In each directory, you'll find the following scripts: Grab oo2core_4_win64.dll from your game installation and put it into thirdparty directory. Find Xbox 360 File Decompression Tool (xbdecompress.exe) and put it into thirdparty directory.
  • Some X360 games use X360 compression on some SB files.
  • You'll need to get them youself if you want to extract those games: IMPORTANT! Some games require proprietary libraries that I can't distribute here.
  • Newest games from 2018 and later (Star Wars: Battlefront II, Battlefield V, FIFA 19, Anthem) are not supported yet.
  • Frostbite Engine 3 (2013-present) - Battlefield 4, Need for Speed: Rivals.
  • Frostbite Engine 2 (2011-2012) - Battlefield 3, Need for Speed: The Run.
  • There is one folder for each Frostbite version: They're based off Frankelstner's scripts, I've updated them to Python 3 and did a bunch of tweaks and cleanups to them.

    universal frostbite extractor

    These are Python scripts that allow you to extract assets from Frostbite Engine games.

    Universal frostbite extractor